Past Syllabi

Below are syllabi from past sections of Psych 1 taught by 390 students. These may prove useful in constructing your own – especially the most recent ones. But if you have even more recently TA’d for an intro course, its syllabus may also provide a good model.

2016: Section 001 – PSC1_section1_Spring2016_syllabus (1)
2016: Section 002 – PSC+1+Section+2+Sp+2016+Syllabus

2015: Section 001 – S_15_PSC1_Syllabus

2014: Section 001 – PSC1-1_Spring_14_Syllabus (1)
2014: Section 002 – Syllabus_PSC1_sect2_SQ14

2013: Section 001 – Syllabus_PSC1_sect1_SQ13
2013: Section 002 – Syllabus_PSC1_sect2_SQ13

2012: Section 001 – Syllabus_psc1_section1_SQ12
2012: Section 002 – PSC001_2Rev 3Syllabus


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