In Press
595. Simonton, D. K. (in press-a). Combinatorial creativity and its constraints: Why the combinatorial explosion threatens not. In C. Tromp, R. J. Sternberg, & D. Ambrose (Eds.). Constraints in creativity. Boston: Brill.
596. Simonton, D. K. (in press-b). Combinatorial creativity as blind-variation and selective-retention: A definitional update. Physics of Life Reviews (for special issue celebrating the journal’s 20th anniversary). ABS
597. Simonton, D. K. (in press-c). From everyday creativity to eminent cases of creative achievement in professional domains. In T. Lubart, M. Botella, X. Caroff, C. Mouchiroud, J. Nelson & F. Zenasni (Eds.), Homo creativus: The 7 C’s of human creativity. New York: Springer. First Online: 08 June 2022
598. Simonton, D. K. (in press-d). The question: Has the concept of creativity become corrupted? No! Royal Academy of Arts Magazine. [publication update]
The above list includes all in-press items for which copyright forms and/or contracts have been signed. Excluded are unpublished papers and commissioned chapters or submitted manuscripts that have not yet received formal acceptance.
“Online first” items are retained as “in press” until the bibliographic details are fixed (e.g., date, volume, and page numbers for journal articles). That precaution avoids having to make substantial revisions to “in print” publication lists. After all, a year or more may separate “online first” and actual “in print” publications.
1974-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020-2029 | In Press (top)