Professional Service
Special Recognition:
Farnsworth Award for Outstanding Service to the Society for Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, APA Division 10 (2011);
Presidential Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society for General Psychology, Division 1, APA (2014).
Elected Offices:
President, Society for General Psychology and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, APA Division 1 (2011-12);
President, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (1998-2000);
President, Society for Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, APA Division 10 (1985-86);
President, Society for the History of Psychology, Division 26 – APA (2023);
Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, APA Division 10 (1980-82).
Journal Editor: Journal of Creative Behavior (1993-99).
Journal Guest Editor:
Leadership Quarterly (two-part Special Issue on “Political Leadership,” 1996-98);
Review of General Psychology (Special Issue on “Positive Psychology,” with R. F. Baumeister, 2003-04);
Perspectives on Psychological Science (Associate Editor for 1 submission, 2019-20);
Frontiers in Psychology (“The Psychology of Creative Science,” with G. Feist & N. Kumar, 2019-21).
Journal Associate Editor:
Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology (2007-09);
Journal of Expertise (2017-present)
Direct Submission Editor: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (9 manuscripts; 2014-16).
Editorial Boards:
Journals: Review of General Psychology (1998-present), Perspectives on Psychological Science (2007-10; 2015-2018), Journal of Personality (1985-93), Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (2006-present), Creativity Research Journal (1988-present), Journal of Creative Behavior (1999-present), International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving (2008-present), Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving (2002-08), Empirical Studies of the Arts (1994-present; Advisory Editor, 1999-present), Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts (2001-06), Political Psychology (1997-2005), Leadership Quarterly (1998-2001, 2016-present), the Oxfordian (2005-07), PsycCRITIQUES (2006-2017), Social and Personality Psychology Compass (2007-present), Psychology of Popular Media Culture (2011-20), International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity (2012-present); Advances in Political Psychology (2013-16); Journal of Genius and Eminence (2015-present); Possibility Studies and Society (2022-present).
Book series:
Expertise: Research and Applications (Routledge, formerly Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995-2012).
Associate Editor: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging (2012-2015).
Executive Advisory Boards: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Academic Press (1996-1999); Encyclopedia of Creativity, Elsevier (2nd ed., 2009-11).
Publisher Advisory Boards:
Oxford Guide to Creativity Research Methodology, Oxford University Press (2004-09);
History and Systems in Psychology, Oxford University Press (2006-09);
Education, Creativity, and Social Development, East China Normal University Press (2010-present).
Publications Committee: Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts (APA Division 10; 2003-07).
Corresponding Associate Commentator: Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1990ff).
Reviewer (1,292 total evaluations):
Organizations (105 evaluations / 26 organizations): Imagination Institute (34); National Science Foundation (20), John Templeton Foundation (14), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (7), Guggenheim Foundation (3), Research Grants Council (Hong Kong, China; 3), European Science Foundation (2), Israel Science Foundation (2), UK Research & Innovation, Austrian Science Fund, Danish Council for Independent Research, Humanities in the European Research Area, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Research Council (The National Academies), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Marconi Institute for Creativity, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Sloan Foundation, Spencer Foundation, National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, APA Program Committees (Divisions 1, 5, 8, 10), Hampton Research Grants Programme, France-Berkeley Fund; Ohio State University Seed Grant Program, Jackson State University Center for University Scholars, APA Student Travel Award Program.
Publishers (115 evaluations / 34 publishers): Oxford University Press (19), Lawrence Erlbaum (15), Cambridge University Press (12), Academic Press (10), Elsevier (10), APA Books (4), Sage Publications (4), Guilford Press (3), Psychology Press (3), Brooks/Cole (2), Freeman (2), Harvard University Press (2), Kluwer Academic Publishers (2), Prentice-Hall (2), Routledge (2), Springer (2), Springer-Nature (2), Westview (2), Wiley-Blackwell (2), Allyn & Bacon, Basic Books, Columbia University Press, Edward Elgar, Greenwood Press, Harcourt Brace Janovich, Harvard Business School Press, Jossey-Bass, Palgrave Macmillan, Princeton University Press, Taylor & Francis, University of California Press, Wadsworth, Wiley, Worth, Yale University Press.
Journals (1072 evaluations / 182 journals): Journal of Creative Behavior (76); Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (69); Review of General Psychology (65); Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (59); Perspectives on Psychological Science (56); Leadership Quarterly (44); Creativity Research Journal (41); Political Psychology (35); Psychological Bulletin (28); American Psychologist (27); Journal of Personality (25); Empirical Studies of the Arts (22); Personality and Individual Differences (20); Intelligence (19); Psychological Science (18); Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (17); Psychological Review (15); Psychology of Music (12); Scientometrics (11); Thinking Skills and Creativity (11); High Ability Studies (10); Multivariate Behavioral Research (10); Psychology and Aging (10); Developmental Psychology (9); Frontiers in Psychology (9); IEEE Spectrum (9); Journal of Cultural Economics (8); Journal of Intelligence (8); New Ideas in Psychology (8); PLOS ONE (8); Developmental Review (7); Learning and Individual Differences (7); Personality and Social Psychology Review (7); Poetics (7); Synthese (7); Gerontologist (6); International Journal of Aging and Human Development (6); International Journal of Psychology (6); Music Perception (6); Sex Roles (6); Acta Psychologica (5); British Journal of Psychology (5); Cognitive Science (5); Journal of Applied Social Psychology (5); Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (5); Philosophical Psychology (5); Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (5); Psychology of Popular Media Culture (5); Psychonomic Bulletin and Review (5); Social Studies of Science (5); Behavioral Science (4); Journal for the Education of the Gifted (4); Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (4); Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving (4); Scientific Reports (4); Archives of Scientific Psychology (3); Consciousness and Cognition (3); Current Directions in Psychological Science (3); Gifted Child Quarterly (3); International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving (3); Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (3); Journal of Expertise (3); Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology (3); Journal of Research in Personality (3); The Oxfordian (3); Perceptual and Motor Skills (3); Political Research Quarterly (3); Psychological Reports (3); Social Forces (3); Assessment (2); Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2); BMJ Open (2); Child Development (2); Cognitive Development (2); Comparative Civilizations Review (2); Creativity: Theories – Research – Applications (2); Developmental Science (2); Educational Gerontology (2); Educational Psychologist (2); Frontiers in Psychiatry (2); Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (2); History of Psychology (2); Human Performance (2); Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (2); Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (2); Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (2); Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2); Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences (2); Omega: Journal of Death and Dying (2); Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2); Psychological Inquiry (2); Science (2); Social Psychological and Personality Science (2); Social Psychology Quarterly (2); Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2); Acta Biotheoretica; Administrative Science Quarterly; American Bar Foundation Research Journal; American Journal of Psychology; American Political Science Review; Animal Cognition; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Appetite; Basic and Applied Social Psychology; Behavior Genetics; Behavior Science Research; Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science; Canadian Journal of Higher Education; Child Development Perspectives; Cognition and Emotion; Cognitive Psychology; Cognitive Systems Research; Complexity; Computers and the Humanities; Configurations; Cultural Trends; Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research; Decision Sciences; The Economic Journal; Educational Psychology Review; European Economic Review; European Journal of Neurology; Evaluation and Program Planning; Evolutionary Psychological Science; Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture; Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Harvard Data Science Review; History of Science; Human Development; Human Relations; Human Resource Management Review; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; International Journal of Behavioral Development; International Journal of Communication; International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching; International Psychology Bulletin; International Studies in the Philosophy of Science; Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Business Research; Journal of Creativity; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Journal of Family Psychology; Journal of Genius and Eminence; Journal of Gerontology; Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; Journal of Organizational Behavior; Journal of Parapsychology; Journal of Personality Assessment; Journal of Positive Psychology; Journal of Screenwriting; Journal of Sports Sciences; Journalism; Lancet; Leonardo; Life Span Development and Behavior; Methods; Mind, Brain, and Education; Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy; Musicae Scientiae; New Media & Society; Population and Development Review; Psychological Methods; Psychology & Marketing; Psychology & Neuroscience; Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain; Possibility Studies and Society; Quantitative Science Studies; Research Policy; Sage Open; Social and Personality Psychology Compass; Social Behavior and Personality; Social Epistemology; Social Science Quarterly; Sociological Methods and Research; South African Journal of Art History; Sports Medicine; Sports Medicine – Open; Theory & Psychology.
Chair, Arthur W. Staats Lecture for Unifying Psychology, American Psychological Foundation (2014); Ernest R. Hilgard Lifetime Achievement Award, APA Division 1 (2013); Chair, George A. Miller Outstanding Article Award, APA Division 1 (2012), Chair, William James Book Award, APA Division 1 (2011), Chair, Robert S. Daniel Award for Four Year College/University Teaching, APA Division 2, APA (2008); Chair, Career Achievement and Early Career Awards, APA Div. 26 (2024); Chair, C. Alan Boneau Award for Outstanding Service, APA Division 1 (2011); Chair, Fellows, APA Division 26 (2023); Chair, Program, APA Division 10 (1984); Co-chair, Program, APA Division 26 (2023); Member-at-large, Executive Committee, International Society for the Psychology of Science and Technology; Member, Henry A. Murray Award, Association for Research in Personality and the Society for Personology (2016); Member, Joseph B. Gittler Award Review, American Psychological Foundation (2014-16, 2021); Member, Arthur W. Staats Lecture for Unifying Psychology, APA Division 1 (2011-13); Member, Robert S. Daniel Award for Four Year College/University Teaching, APA Division 2 (2007); Member, McKeachie Graduate Student Award, APA Division 2 (2007); Member, Wayne Weiten Teaching Excellence Award for 2-year Colleges, APA Division 2 (2009); Member, Mary Margaret Moffett Memorial Teaching Excellence Award for High School, APA Division 2 (2010); Member, Harold Lasswell Award for Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment in Political Psychology (ISPP); Member, APA Coalition for Psychology of High Performance (2014-16); Member, Fellow Nomination Committee, APA Division 10 (1999-2000, 2003-04); Member, C. Alan Boneau Award for Outstanding Service, APA Division 1 (2011); Member, Awards Committee, APA Division 10 (2004-05); Member, Fellow Nomination Committee, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (2003-04); Member, Program Committee APA Division 10 (2002-03); Member, Advisory Board, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (2003-04); Member, Executive Committee, International Congress on Creativity and Psychology of the Arts, Perm, Russia (2003-05); Member, Program Committee, Computational Creativity Workshop at the 7th European Conference in Case-Based Reasoning, Madrid, Spain (2003-04); Member, Advisory Board, Torrance Center, College of Education, University of Georgia; Honorary Advisor, Center for Creativity and Innovation Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan; Distinguished Consulting Faculty, Saybrook University; National Affiliate, DeLTA Center, University of Iowa; Board of Scientific Advisers, Imagination Institute.
Consultant: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels, Belgium; The National Academies; National Defense University, Department of Defense, Washington, DC; MacArthur Foundation; Templeton Foundation; Pixar Animation Studios; Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC; Creative Problem Solving Institute, Buffalo, NY; Arvin Perlmutter, Inc.; Milken Family Foundation; Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University; Student Achievement and Advocacy Service Corporation; California Youth Authority, Sacramento.
Academic Service
University of California, System-Wide:
Member, Committee on Academic Personnel.
University of California, Davis Campus:
Committee Chair: Academic Personnel; Distinguished Teaching Awards; Arts and Lectures; Teaching Excellence and Merit; Davis Honors Challenge Administrative Review Committee.
Committee Member: Academic Personnel; Academic Personnel Appellate; Academic Planning Council; Academic Senate Executive Council; Executive Council Advisory Group; Distinguished Teaching Awards; Teaching; UC Davis Prize; Registration Fee; Computing Administrative Advisory; Arts and Lectures; Center for Performing Arts Program Planning; Emeriti; Chancellor’s Teaching Fellowship Advisory; Courses and Bylaws Subcommittee of the Graduate Council; Child Care; Human Subjects; Sub Work Group on Retention; Search for Director of Teaching Resources Center; Institute for Governmental Affairs; Chancellor’s UCD 75th Anniversary Celebration Advisory Council; Program Review (Statistics; Rhetoric and Communication); Winslow and Gilhooly Award Selection; Phi Beta Kappa Graduate Fellowships.
President, Kappa Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa; Liaison Officer, Danforth Foundation; Participant, Recorder, or Discussion Leader: Chancellor’s Fall Conferences; Member, Human Development and Statistics Graduate Groups;Faculty Advisor, Epsilon Sigma Rho (Multicultural Fraternity).
College of Letters and Sciences:
Chair of the Faculty, for the Executive Committee and Representative Assembly; Vice-Chair of the Faculty;
Committee Chair: College Personnel; Nominations and Elections.
Committee Member: College Personnel; Educational Policy; Courses of Instruction; Nominations and Elections; Search, Executive Associate Dean; Search, Associate Dean of Academic Personnel; Undergraduate Computing Lab Workgroup for the Division of Social Sciences; Task Force to Review the Composition Requirement.
Commencement Speaker for the 1994 Graduation Ceremonies; Faculty Coordinator, Fulmor Scholarship Program; Advisor, Education Abroad Program.
Department of Psychology:
Departmental Vice-Chair;
Committee Chair: Undergraduate Advising and Student-Faculty Liaison; Undergraduate Honors Advisor; Undergraduate Curriculum; Graduate Advising; Search for Social Psychologist; Search for Quantitative Psychologist.
Committee Member: Graduate Admissions; Computer; Equipment; Search Committees.
Faculty Graduate Advisor; Undergraduate Honors Advisor; Faculty Sponsor, Psi Chi (International Honor Society in Psychology); Master Advisor.
Representative: Representative Assembly of the Academic Senate; College Assembly of Letters and Science.