Honors Publications Received

Honored Publications (8)

William James Book Award,
Society for General Psychology (Division 1, American Psychological Association), 2000:
Simonton (1999m)
George A. Miller Outstanding Article Award,
Society for General Psychology (Division 1, American Psychological Association), 1997:
Simonton (1997c)
Theoretical Innovation Prize,
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Division 8, American Psychological Association), 2004:
Simonton (2003o)
Award for Excellence in Research,
Mensa Education & Research Foundation and Mensa International, Ltd., 2011:
Simonton & Song (2009)
Award for Excellence in Research,
Mensa Education & Research Foundation and Mensa International, Ltd., 2009:
Simonton (2008b)
Award for Excellence in Research,
Mensa Education & Research Foundation, 1986:
Simonton (1985c)
Honorable Mention, Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award,
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (Division 9, American Psychological Association), 1997:
Simonton (1997f)
Centennial Feature in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Attitudes and Social Cognition),
American Psychological Association, 1992:
Simonton (1992d)

Featured Publications (66)

LEAD ARTICLES (47, including Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesPsychological Review, Psychological Bulletin, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Applied PsychologyJournal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Personality, Review of General Psychology, Social Forces, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, etc.):
for issue (33), Antonakis, House & Simonton (2017); Simonton (1975a, 1976b, 1976g, 1980c, 1983a, 1983c, 1984g, 1986e, 1987a, 1988f, 1990h, 1995b, 1999p, 2001g, 2001i, 2002a, 2003o, 2004g, 2005f, 2006i, 2006k, 2007f, 2007k, 2009d, 2009e, 2009f, 2009z, 2012b, 2012s, 2017m, 2018n), Nielsen, Pickett, & Simonton (2008);
for volume (14), Cassandro & Simonton (2010), Simonton (1980a, 1984h, 1984i, 1986a, 1987e, 1992d, 2005c, 2009a, 2013g, 2015n, 2016m, 2016n, 2018a).

Simonton (1990h, 1993i, 1995b, 1998k, 1999f, 2007f, 2009z, 2010b, 2015n).

BOOKS REVIEWED IN Contemporary Psychology / PsycCRITIQUES (9):
lead feature reviews: Simonton (1984e, 1988g, 1999m, 2009m);
feature review: Simonton (1994e);
regular review: Simonton (1987f, 2002e, 2004f, 2011k).

Simonton (2008j, 2009r).

Reprinted Publications (38)

Simonton (1975f, 1976a, 1976c, 1977a, 1978a, 1978e, 1980e, 1984a, 1984c, 1984d, 1984e [chap. 7 only], 1984e [complete book], 1984l, 1986b, 1988c, 1988d, 1988f, 1988g [as paperback], 1989c, 1989f, 1990e, 1990f, 1990h, 1991a, 1991c, 1991d, 1991e, 1991f, 1992d, 1994h, 1999m, 2000e, 2002h, 2003a, 2004f, 2009m, 2009n, 2012o)

Foreign-Language Publications and Translations (22 items / 10 languages)

Mandarin – Simonton, 1984j, 2002h, 2003a, 2004f, 2008d, 2009m, 2018i;
Spanish – Simonton, 2002g, 2018i;
French – Simonton, 1993c;
Japanese – Simonton, 2018i;
Portuguese – Simonton, 1999m, 2018i;
German – Simonton, 2001f, 2009n, 2020k;
Korean – Simonton, 1988g, 2004f, 2009m;
Turkish – Simonton, 2018i;
Polish – Simonton, 2009m;
Hungarian – Simonton, 1978e, 1984l, 1986b.

N.B.: The last two lists are incomplete given that many reprints and translations are executed without the author’s knowledge, whether legally or illegally.

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